Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Win! (Again)

Tonight Craig was looking at karate schools in Florida. He is a black belt in Soo Bahk Do and soon to be black belt in a Korean sword style. I tease him about dressage being older than Soo Bahk Do because Soo Bahk Do started in the 1950 or soI think, and dressage of course, much earlier.

Now that we're moving he has to choose a different style, as the Soo Bahk Do school he had been planning on joining closed in the last few months. He was lamenting the need to buy new books for his new style and that it will be harder because the new style is older.

I asked if that meant his new style is older than dressage. He said he had to check, and then comes back with, well, maybe, this one started in the 1920's, no wait, the...

In the meantime I send him this link: Wikipedia Dressage Masters

He immediately bursts out laughing and says, no, his new style is not older than 427 BC. He also said, you just had to show me that, didn't you? I told him I thought it'd be useful for him to see what he was up against, since he was still in the 1900's. It was funny, but maybe you had to be there, lol.

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