Monday, June 30, 2008
They Never Said It Would Be Easy...
On the Mend...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Worse than an Appaloosa...
Bill came over with a tube and a bucket and I haltered Sophie. After it was fastened I stood back and tugged on the lead, fortunately she stood right up. Bill gave her a couple of shots and then proceeded to stick the tube up her nose. She did not like that, she didn't physically struggle much really, but she was preventing the tube from proceeding. At one point he told her she was "worse than an Appaloosa". (If you'd like to see pictures of a real dressage Appaloosa click here )
He finally did get the tube to her stomach and held up the bucket so that the electrolyte/water mixture would flow through the tube into her stomach. After he was done Sophie never layed down again, but instead perked up and started snuffling around her stall for hay or of any kind. She was watching me intently and I decided to give her a good grooming. After I was done we wandered the farm a bit, looking around, and checked on Sophie again. She was still looking good though, so we decided to leave after talking to Kim and Hayley for a while and doing one more check on Sophie.
I went back at 5:30 to check her again. She was very bright eyed and alert, happy to see me, and had finished her bran mash with vigour. She was happily munching on hay and Kim stopped by to tell me everything that had happened since we left in the morning. Unfortunately, she still hasn't pooped, but she still looked good and her gum color was much better. Bill is going to check her again when he gets back tonight as well.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Longeing Still...
I also took pictures of the baby, I tend to do it every 10 days so it was time. He is much more curious now, he would keep approaching me and I touched him a couple of times. He didn't like it each time I went to leave, but didn't really care when I went up on the little hill to sit in the shade.
And finally, I'm trying to figure out what to do for pictures tomorrow. There's a barrel show just 30 minutes away, but the only problem with it is that it's indoors and I hate taking pictures indoors. But, on the other hand, it might be good practice. So we'll see how I feel tomorrow. I want to go see Sophie too, though I'd really like to hit up a dressage show. Doesn't look like that's going to happen this weekend though, I don't want to drive an hour and a half by myself and Craig can't go because of his eye surgery, so I'll be sticking closer to home this weekend.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
More Pics and a Sophie Update...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Trends...I have them...
AR Arabella-Trakehner/Arabian mare, my new horse, I've only had her a couple of months but so far things are going great, and of course, I'll be posting updates as we progress!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Favorite Arabian Mare of the Week...
I like this picture because her owner is the woman in purple and she looks like she's just bursting with pride. Not that I can blame her, I would be too if she was my horse!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Some More Pictures from the Arab Show...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Just for Fun I Thought I'd Torture Myself...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Down on the Farm...
And a full body shot with a more normal face. She's an Appendix QH, 7 years old, I think her sire is Indian Artifacts.
Lou and Jessie (my horse who is recovering from a stifle injury)...he's an Appendix QH, 19 years old (I've owned him for 14 years).
He's fat and happy though. And bossing Lou around because he's feeling good. When he left to be boarded with me last summer he was letting Lou boss him around. Then he moved back in March after having hock/stifle injections last fall and despite the stifle injury he took over bossing Lou around, I think it's because he's feeling so good from the hock injections still.
The rest of the pictures can be seen here Enjoy!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Second lesson on Kupkake...with pictures!
This was the second time I'd ridden this horse. He's an Arab/Percheron gelding, 8 years old, and completely trained by my instructor. He's showing Third Level now, I think. Prior to riding this horse and one lesson on another Third Level horse last week I've mainly been doing Training/First/schooling some Second Level movements. I'm still waiting for the saddle to come in for my mare, so my instructor offered lessons on her horses while I wait. He was incredibly easy to ride considering his experience versus my experience. I was still having trouble getting my leg far enough forward for the shoulder in at the trot, but did much better with it my second lesson than I did my first.
The big impression left on me after this lesson was the importance of rideability. Jessie had rideability, just about anyone could ride him if they had half an idea of how to ride and that was demonstrated with both Amanda and Emily. I hope that someday Sophie is as rideable as Kupkake, and Jessie, though better trained than both ;-).
My big problem with half pass is keeping my shoulders even. I keep letting my outside shoulder creep too far forward. Overall I was really glad that Craig could come and take pictures. We had a great lesson, and after, I had a longeing lesson with Sophie. It was a very productive day, even though I ended up spending another 5 hours at the barn. But I love hanging out at the barn, I just wish I wasn't moving next year, I want to stay here forever and keep taking lessons.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
No Purple Templates...
I took some more baby pictures a couple of days ago, rest of the pictures can be seen here ( Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Half Passing for Dummies...
After that we tried half passing and I started out with his haunches way too far over to the left, it was just hard for me to get it through my head that his nose needed to point toward the goal and then bend from there. But we got it eventually and were soon half passing from the centerline to 3/4 down the side. After that we tried it at the canter and that didn't go as well, but Kim said he isn't confirmed in canter half pass yet, but it was still fun to try.
The last thing we worked on was extended trot. We tried five or six times and one time was really good while the others were just so so (I think one was pretty good, lol). It was a lot of fun though. I found that it's much easier for me to half halt when tracking left, probably because I'm right handed. I also noticed that I was a lot more tired today, but I think that's due to the 8 miles I did yesterday.
So, that was my lesson. I have another on Kupkake Friday morning. Hopefully we'll be able to pick up close to where we left off (ie, that it won't take me so long to get my inside leg far enough forward to give him something to bend around). Today I didn't ride Sophie, we just worked on showmanship for a little while and I gave her a good brushing/fly spraying after my lesson.