Friday, February 27, 2009

Have You Sold Anything on Craig's List?

I'm selling some horse blankets and other miscellaneous items on Craig's List. The guinea pig cage went quickly, and the freezer should be picked up tomorrow. I've only had one bite on my horse blankets so far, and that lady ended up asking me if I'd ship them...kind of the reason I'm advertising on Craig's List and *not* the internetz. The lady said she could come pick it up Monday, we'll see though. I may see if Kim is interested in bartering blankets for board since she has big horses.

Anyone have tips for me on selling on Craig's List?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Preparations for the Big Move...

While Sophie is in training with Kim I'll be leaving my saddle, bridle, and dressage sport boots for her. As well as a hefty supply of Raspberry leaves and fly spray (oh, and tail conditioner!).

I ordered this saddle bag from Smartpak (and had it monogrammed too, lol) to help protect my saddle while it's in Ohio without me. It's huge (big enough for two saddles), but awesome. It has ventilated pockets on the sides of the saddle flaps and a big zippered pocket on the top to store saddle pads.

I also got this bridle bag. It's ginormous as well, good for me, not so good for my saddle staying in Ohio, but I wanted them to, it's what I got.

Also, click here if you want to see pictures of our new house! (You might need to scroll down just a bit though) Click me to see Stephanie's new house!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Win! (Again)

Tonight Craig was looking at karate schools in Florida. He is a black belt in Soo Bahk Do and soon to be black belt in a Korean sword style. I tease him about dressage being older than Soo Bahk Do because Soo Bahk Do started in the 1950 or soI think, and dressage of course, much earlier.

Now that we're moving he has to choose a different style, as the Soo Bahk Do school he had been planning on joining closed in the last few months. He was lamenting the need to buy new books for his new style and that it will be harder because the new style is older.

I asked if that meant his new style is older than dressage. He said he had to check, and then comes back with, well, maybe, this one started in the 1920's, no wait, the...

In the meantime I send him this link: Wikipedia Dressage Masters

He immediately bursts out laughing and says, no, his new style is not older than 427 BC. He also said, you just had to show me that, didn't you? I told him I thought it'd be useful for him to see what he was up against, since he was still in the 1900's. It was funny, but maybe you had to be there, lol.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parade Horses and a Llama...

I took these pictures in September. They're from the 2008 Fredericktown Tomato Show Parade. I used to ride in this parade every year with my 4-H Club, or as Equine Queen when I was Equine Queen.

It was a very overcast day, so I was worried about the pictures turning out, plus it was in the middle of the day, when lighting is the worst. But it was a great chance to get pictures of a variety of horses.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Don't Know If Anyone Still Reads This...

I've had a really hard time going to the barn since the miscarriage. Well, more than just a hard time...I haven' all. Part of it's the weather, but it's mostly the emotions that well up inside of me when I think about it. So instead Craig goes. I know Sophie is in good hands, happy and healthy, and doesn't care if I come out anyway.

Sophie is going to be staying in Ohio when Craig and I move to Florida. She'll remain in full training with Kim, and when Kim moves to Florida for the winter next year she'll move to my new instructor's barn to be in training, because hopefully I'll be pregnant by then. Kim is going to send me a DVD of her progress every month, plus I'll call and ask for weekly updates, lol. Kim has also offered to show her for me, not just show, but take her to Sport Horse Nationals, which would be awesome.

So, in the meant time I'm going to get out to the barn, at some point. While in Florida I plan on going to all of the shows I can and working on my photography. I also want to do agility training with Jilly. So I'll keep updating this blog, with my experiences, they just won't be lesson recaps like before. Well, maybe, I might take lessons in Florida on a lesson horse for a while, we'll see.

I just noticed that this post is exactly 2 months after my last post...that wasn't planned at all, in case you were wondering, just a coincidence.