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I noticed today as I was signing in that I have 199 posts in this this will be post number 200! We are now in Ohio, with the truck and trailer. We made the drive in 18 or 19 hours, because we stopped for 20-30 minutes every 3 hours. We left around 4 Tuesday afternoon and arrived around 11 Wednesday morning. I drove the truck and the trailer for the first time ever, doing two 3 hour sessions starting around midnight. I don't mind driving on the highway since you really can't even tell the trailer is back there. I know it will be different when there is a horse on the trailer, but we'll probably do the same thing going back. Craig will drive until it's later and then I'll take over, when there are practically zero cars on the road to need to manuever around. As long as I don't have to drive through West Virginia...I *hated* driving through West Virginia! Too hilly and curvy.
We'll be picking Sophie up Monday around noon and pulling into the barn around 9 hopefully...the next day. Then Sophie will be a Florida horse and I'll be a Florida horse owner. I can't wait to see her. She was supposed to get body clipped yesterday, but we'll see if they had a chance to clip her yet. Jessie (my retired gelding) is a woolball...he would definitely need a body clip if he were going to Florida.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I've been participating in a photography challenge and have been keeping my photography blog updated with pictures if you'd like to check them out, just click this link...Stephanie Mills Photography blog!
One week from today Sophie will be a Florida horse! The trailer is ready and we're heading up to Ohio today. We'll leave next Monday and hopefully arrive on Tuesday, settling Sophie into her stall in Florida!
To help her adjustment to being a Florida horse I bought a fly sheet, hood, mask, and boots for purple of course! She won't need them for a while, but, at least she's ready, and they were on sale! (Sophie's fly sheet doesn't have a belly band, but purple wasn't actually pictured so wouldn't due for this blog)

I'm starting to get really excited, we leave to get Sophie in just one week! Of course, she won't be in Florida until 2 weeks from now, but it's a start. Meanwhile I had a really weird dream about Sophie. She kind of just arrived at the barn and right after she got off the trailer I saddled her up and took her for a ride (even though I'm going to do my best not to ride until after the baby is born). Then there was a girl that I guess was supposed to be a working student from my barn in Ohio and she had Sophie hitched up to a red buckboard wagon like what my grandparents had for their pony and she drove her all around the arena.
I remember thinking, well, I guess it won't be hard to teach Sophie to long line!!! Then she got Sophie cantering and turning in a tight circle and she tucked herself in a ball and jumped off the wagon!!! Leaving Sophie cantering along, fortunately Sophie stopped right away but I was very angry with the girl and told her to get out of my site.
Then later in the dream she kind of morphed into a much older woman of 60 and I was trying to find out what I needed to do to get her back to Ohio. And I think Sophie came to Florida with a lot more "stuff" than she left with!!!
Anyway, that was my dream...though I do kind of wish the part where Sophie already knows how to drive wered true!
We had a garage sale yesterday and I had some random horse stuff leftover, which was convenient since there was a tack swap at our local park! I sold my too small breeches/schooling tights as well as some other stuff. It was a fun day and I got to meet some more people from the Spacecoast Arabian Horse Club. We took Jilly, it was her first horse show and she handled it pretty well. Some issues with barking at other dogs she saw, but by the end of the day she wasn't even reacting. I think she's *very* tired though because normally she sleeps quite a bit during the day and today she was awake due to the excitement.
I soooooo want five pairs of these, all in patent leather. Too bad they're a bit more than the ones I get off of Tack of the Day!

If you're lucky enough to have the money for them because you're not moving a horse to Florida in two weeks, you can buy them here...People on Horses Sheepskin-Lined Horse Boots
I've been thinking a lot about Sophie and what I'm going to do with her once she's in Florida. Well, not what *I'm* going to do with her...what I'm going to have someone *else* do with her. I'd been thinking I would put her in some kind of partial training before starting to rider her myself. But I'm starting to think I may be better off just longeing her and doing in hand work while I can...then restarting her myself. It's what we did after I bought her and things turned out really well...maybe I should do it again. Decisions, decisions. Regardless, Sophie gets a month or two off from riding while we focus on longeing/in hand work and then I'll decide. It's going to be *really* hard to not ride when she gets here though! I've been watching lessons at the barn and it's making me want to ride...a lot!
For Christmas this year Sophie's getting a body clip and teeth floating prior to leaving for Florida...yay!!!
Tonight Craig and I went to our first Spacecoast Arabian Horse Club meeting. It was a fun meeting and great meeting everyone involved in the organization. They're having three dressage shows in the winter/spring and I hope to get Sophie to one, somehow, even if I have to find someone to ride her!
I haven't really posted about it on here, but I have my own photography business now (Stephanie Mills photography website). I currently specialize in Equine Photography but hope to branch out into Canine Photography soon and eventually human portraits and weddings. So if any of you live in Florida and need some pictures taken of your animals give me a call!
I posted some pictures on my photography blog (click here). I'm doing a photo challenge this month so be sure to check the photography blog to see what I've been up to. Meanwhile I'll post a sneak preview picture here...
Today's pictures were taken at the stable where I'll be boarding Sophie. Tomorrow's theme is "environment" so I'll probably be posting quite a few pictures of the facilities themselves.