Saturday, December 3, 2011

Eddo Hoekstra Clinic Notes...Day 2...

I didn't take as many notes for day 2. For two was really late. Apparently an Airman in Craig's command decided it would be awesome to deal large quantities of drugs with many clients in the Active Duty Air Force. He thought it would be super fun to not give up any names of his clients to the authorities so the response was to call in *everyone* on a Saturday morning for a drug test. This meant that I had to wait to go to the clinic until Craig got home so that Logan was supervised at all times. And the second reason, a lot of the exercises were the same, just having a greater response on the horse. Or some exercises used yesterday were used on different horses today.

After your horse has gotten good at doing SI, HI, SI, HI, SI it is good to start adding renvers and half pass on the long side instead on shallow loops. It's more like you're showing an understanding of the idea of half pass and renvers but not actually going all the way there. Then you can do half pass, half pass, half pass, just changing the direction while staying on your shallow loops. This is good prep for canter from the walk and good prep for flying changes.

At trot try asking for shorter/softer steps for three sides of the ring and then letting the horse out to lengthen for one long side.

If it doesn't come easily it probably isn't worth asking for (this was said in reference to a canter transition from the trot that wasn't so great). Also, if you wait too long to make a correction then the correction is too big.

Combine shallow loops with transitions between the walk and the trot (before adding in actual steps of SI/HI).

To work on your collection trot a 10 meter circle, transitioning between walk and trot, just after walking change bend to circle in the other direction (like starting a figure 8) and trot again.

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