Craig got the call that Sophie's new purple halter is in. I hope it fits her, otherwise I have two small horse sized Weaver halters (I bought a Navy small and average halter at Equine a free purple and other colors lead out of the deal!) that I can't use. Now I just have to remember to take it on Friday.
Still no luck with the ATA papers one had to sign for them, so now I'm waiting to hear back from ATA on what I should do if they can't find them. They were delivered the 7th though, I hope someone found them today though...or tomorrow.
This page is pretty barren of pictures, so I'll share a couple of our "not used even close to often enough" truck and trailer. The plan was to show and take lessons and trail ride and have lots of fun this year with them, but, that may not happen. At least we'll be able to bring Sophie home though.
The trailer is a 2007 Equispirit, just a regular bumper pull with the small dressing room. I love Equispirit though. Lots of windows so the horses can see everywhere and everything inside the horse section can be taken apart. It's definitely one of the safest trailers out there and you can get pretty much anything customized on it. The truck is a Dodge Ram that we got a great deal on by ordering it while in Korea through AAFES. One perk of being in the military!

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