You can see from the next two pictures why it's important to establish my authority on the ground with Sophie. You can also see that Lonnie has a couple of hands and hundred pounds on Sophie, yet she's still pushing him around like one of those curling discs.

Lonnie obviously should have realized that he was eating off of what Sophie had decided was her hay pile, that way she didn't have to exert the energy to move him away from it. The sad thing in this situation is that Lonnie *loves* Sophie.

This is Sophie prior to deciding the hay was yummier in the other pile...

Of course, now they're sharing...

This is Maria, a half blind ex-polo pony. Jessie used to be out with her until he proved to "taken" by her and she not nearly chaste enough. That was when Jessie was exiled from being turned out with mares (an unfortunate side effect of having his hocks/stiles done).

I'm not sure what this Paint's name is, I think he belongs to a woman in the Army that is currently stationed overseas.

Lonnie being cute, he was actually turned out alone at this time and was hoping Sophie was being brought out to keep him company.

Fine, I don't need any hay...

And this is Star, she's an Arab/Paint cross that looks a lot like Sophie.
That mare "get outta here!" look is so unmistakable!! Great photos.
Great pics! Less has that same look. He's king of the pasture and all the other horses know it. It's weird how all he has to do is pin his ears and they scatter, he chases horses away from "his" hay too :-x
Love the pictures!! Great commentary about the hay. Glad to hear you're finally getting a saddle, I hope you like it!
Great pics and today is new SADDLE day for you. I am excited for you!!!
Thanks so much guys, I'm glad you liked the pictures!
I made a new post, but unfortunately today was not new saddle day. Soon though, I guess. I was really disappointed this morning when I got the call, but I've dealt with it now. Poor Sophie though, she was excited to be done with longeing!
Ya gotta love mares!
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