****Pirouette Exercise****
Do this with the stiff side to the outside, then reverse it
20 m circle, 3 supples to stiff side (only using snaffle rein), 7-1-7-1-7-1; then haunches in and supple again, then spiral down to 15 m, do supples, down to 10 m circle
*Men versus Women*
Men are stronger so ride from strength, women are smarter and learn how to work around issues
If the horse is too deep, press with both legs, raise the hands and move them forward the same amount you raised them (2 inches up then 2 inches forward)
Needs to be one fell swoop (like the "wave" at a football game)
Supple the horse 3 times to the stiff side when half passing to raise the pressure threshold
This is the last of my notes from the clinic. I had to leave a little early because I was just exhausted and worried about making the hour drive home even
1 comment:
thanks for sharing your notes!! Very interesting.
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