1. Cross-Train Your Horse by Jane Savoie
2. The Complete Training of Horse and Rider by Alois Podhjasky
"Grown Up" Books I Like
Lessons with Lendon (I *love* this book, I plan to go back to this winter)
Dressage in Harmony From Basic to Grand Prix by Walter Zettl
The Gymnasium of the Horse by Gustav Steinbrecht
The Art of Training: Lessons from a Lifetime with Horses By Hans von Blixen-Finecke (this one was my bible while doing 4-H, too bad it was beyond me at the time!)
Balance in Movement The Seat of the Rider by Suzanne von Dietze (I've only skimmed this one so far, but has some interesting ideas and descriptive pictures, good if you like Centered Riding I think)
Horsemanship by Waldemar Seunig
"Introductory" Books I Like
Dressage for the Young Rider By Pegotty Henriques (another of my bibles in 4-H)
Common Sense Dressage by Sally O'Connor (yes, that O'Connor!)
The USDF Guide to Dressage by Jennifer Bryant
I would like to get the Charles de Kunffy books at some point. As well as the other Podjhasky book (I already have The Riding Instructor I believe, just haven't read it yet). I'd like to see Tug of War in person to see if I want it. I have read Dressage with Kyra, and it was good, but I'd get the others I listed first I think. I'm also thinking about Dressage Masters : Techniques and Philosophies of Four Legendary Trainers: Klaus Balkenhol, Ernst Hoyos, Dr. Uwe Schulten-Baumer, George Theodorescu. I did start reading Dressage : The Art of Classical Riding by Sylvia Loch, but didn't get into it, that was early in my serious dressage learning though, so my opinion may have changed.
Anyway, those are the books I like, I know I have more, but they aren't all together and I think I've hit upon my favorites. I have to cancel yesterday's lesson because I was feeling nauseous and riding doesn't really help with that! Hopefully I feel ok for tomorrow's lesson, even though it's a chilly 30-something degrees.
Oh, add "The Horseman's Notes" by Erik Herbermann to your list. I have most of the books you have listed and I think it is my favourite one. It is both extremely practical and philosophical!
Tug of War is good - a very small book but an excellent reminder to stick to the path!
And the Dressage Masters is inspirational, with beautiful pictures, but not so practical.
BTW, had a look at the pictures, and love what you're doing with Sophie! Beautiful!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
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