Monday, December 8, 2008


I just wanted to say publicly, where everyone would see, that my husband was very involved in selecting the colors for my new blog. I was trying to go with some kind of purple theme, so you all should be grateful that he intervened, because the purple choices would probably have hurt your eyes. And thank you for the compliments on the new colors, and your kind words about the baby. I have a feeling things are going to get worse once the loss actually happens, right now it's kind of like the calm before the storm.

I also forgot to say that I told Kim about my fears of flying changes being hard for Sophie, because I've never see her do flying changes on her own like I did with Jessie, and she just shook her head as if it was crazy to think Sophie would have trouble. I really think Sophie has won herself a fan. Kim even spent a minute rubbing Sophie's head after the lesson, and she normally *never* encourages a horse to rub. That was one of Sophie's worst habit when I started riding her, she would initially try to rub on me as soon as my feet began to approach the ground postride.

Oh, and the other reason for a new post, Kim told me that I need to start picking spots to make my transitions, instead of just doing them. So I need to pick up the trot at K, instead of waiting for that "perfect" moment. Try to make the perfect moment be *at* K. Same thing with picking up the canter. I've said it before, but one of my biggest problems with dressage is discipline. I'm the type of person that's just happy with "better", even if it's not "good". And now I need to raise the bar with the precision thing. But that's ok, because I've got all winter to work on it!

And apparently Sophie doesn't play very much in the pasture. Her two pasturemates play lots, but Sophie just watches them as if they're crazy. That might be fore the best, since she's aroun 15 hands and her pasturemates are large draft crosses!


Grey Horse Matters said...

Well I like the look of your new colors. Glad hubby intervened and purple was not the color chosen, it probably would have hurt the eyes.
Love the picture at the top too, it's just beautiful.
Glad you're making progress in your lessons too.

allhorsestuff said...

I do like your choice of the purple undertone verses overtone!
My husband was not around when I chose my background! Obviously!

It is nice when Husbands help with these things as blogging sometimes tends to keep us away from the things we do together elsewhere in the house!
Mine just helped me too...and we had a good laugh over it!
I love hearing of your is of utmost importance for your horse mentor to like your horse. I have actually been kept from growing and making better conection with my mare for far too long by thinking I had to use the local trainer. She is afraid of my mare and does not like mental issues in a horse(Well HELLO- who does??)
I love my mare and need someone to dream on possiblities for us and show professional prudence with the $ I give them!
Good job with the new level of training...we are still "feeling" our way through it.
Well, maybe this is the "Eye" of the've gone through the beginning part already!
Hang in!

Jill Wiswall said...

Greetings from Adventures of a Girl and her Horse! Thank you for your kind words and positive thoughts :) I had a miscarriage and D&C two years ago. If you have any questions or just need a shoulder please feel free to email me privately! I'm really enjoying your blog. Thanks again!!!