Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Don't Know If Anyone Still Reads This...

I've had a really hard time going to the barn since the miscarriage. Well, more than just a hard time...I haven' all. Part of it's the weather, but it's mostly the emotions that well up inside of me when I think about it. So instead Craig goes. I know Sophie is in good hands, happy and healthy, and doesn't care if I come out anyway.

Sophie is going to be staying in Ohio when Craig and I move to Florida. She'll remain in full training with Kim, and when Kim moves to Florida for the winter next year she'll move to my new instructor's barn to be in training, because hopefully I'll be pregnant by then. Kim is going to send me a DVD of her progress every month, plus I'll call and ask for weekly updates, lol. Kim has also offered to show her for me, not just show, but take her to Sport Horse Nationals, which would be awesome.

So, in the meant time I'm going to get out to the barn, at some point. While in Florida I plan on going to all of the shows I can and working on my photography. I also want to do agility training with Jilly. So I'll keep updating this blog, with my experiences, they just won't be lesson recaps like before. Well, maybe, I might take lessons in Florida on a lesson horse for a while, we'll see.

I just noticed that this post is exactly 2 months after my last post...that wasn't planned at all, in case you were wondering, just a coincidence.


Jill Wiswall said...

I still read this! Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. I know after my miscarriage I had a difficult time going anywhere. I'm glad to hear that Sophie's doing well and I hope you continue riding in Florida as I really enjoy reading about your experiences.

Melanie said...

I was wondering what was up with you and your pony! Sometimes a break form the norm is needed.

I hope that you start to feel better soon, and am glad that you have Miss Gilly and your photography to help distract you. :)

Anonymous said...

I still read this as well! It sounds like you are just taking a much needed break - I know I would feel like one after all that's happened.

I hope you will post Sophie's updates on here! Get the trainer to take lots of pictures, especially at the shows!

Grey Horse Matters said...

Sorry to hear about everything. Maybe your move to Florida and a change of scenery will be just what you need. Also, have you considered going down to the barn to groom Sophie or just hang out with her, it might make you feel a little better. Sort of get your mind off your troubles for a few hours. She might help you through your depression a little.

20 meter circle of life said...

I was wondering about the Mare. Take your time

Anonymous said...

I read it :^) You've got a lot on your plate and it sounds like you've mapped out a good training plan for Sophie. I'm looking forward to hearing about her progress and your adventures in FL!

Dressage Mom said...

I'm so sorry to hear about all of your sadness. I have not read many blogs lately and I really feel for you. Best of luck with everything, and don't lose hope.

allhorsestuff said...

Mee too...just been out of it and I am sorry for not being here for you.

I would be like you are being..I am very sensitive and what you go through is totally understandable. It is sorrowful loss and your hormones must be wack! Poor body!

What a blessing to have your mare in such good hands...I finally do too for mine.
Your grooming of Sophie would be healing I do think!
Please know that I am prauing and so many care for you and what you are going through sweet.