Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Did It...Finally!

I went to the barn today. I groomed Sophie and detangled her mane and tail. Her mane is soooo long and pretty. She looks awesome, *nothing* like when I bought her last year. It's crazy, she looks so good. After I groomed her I took her into the indoor to see her better and she was trotting so prettily. She was also the only horse in the barn that Jilly didn't bark at. Fortunately Jilly wasn't barking loudly at the horses (and wasn't scaring them), I didn't even hear her barking, but Craig told me she barked at them. Sophie seemed to remember me though, and she stood with her head over the stall door the whole time I was there (after I untied her) and didn't go back to her hay at all.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! I know you had your reasons for taking a break, but sometimes just petting your horse makes everything feel better

Jill Wiswall said...

Congratulations!! I know how hard that was for you and am so proud. :)

Melanie said...

Awww....I bet she was happy to see you, and I bet you felt better afterwards. It was probably kind of bittersweet in a way too. :)

allhorsestuff said...

Yea! I am so glad that you went and it was so nice! You have a lovely horse!

allhorsestuff said...

Hello you...please do let us know how you are these spring days. I hope you are moving into a new season of hope sweet.