Shamrock had a super busy week. Friday I trailered him in to the vet, where he had his teeth done, a coggins pulled, and got his vaccinations. His teeth were pretty bad, two big hooks and two ramps.
I gave him a day off and went on a short bareback ride Sunday, looking for the halter he managed to lose his first day home. He was a perfect gentleman and even allowed me to keep light contact with his mouth throughout the ride!
Then today I had a longe lesson. It was my first longe lesson and I really enjoyed it! We started out with lots of stretching and warmup exercises for me.
Twist from side to side
Windmill each arm individually
Arms out, palms up, flip hands over until palms are up
again and arms twisted
Turn with hands on horse's back, elbow straight, let shoulder move freely to follow horse's movement
Turn with hands on horse's back, elbow straight, let shoulder move freely to follow horse's movement
Toe circles
Lift leg off horse,
rotate back, put back on horse
Do each 8 times for maximum effect...any more than 8 times won't make you stretchier so it's pointless to go past 8 reps.
After the warmup we did a lot of trotting, 7 strides posting, 7 strides 2-point, 7 strides sitting, and then repeat.
And finally, this morning I went to look at a pony with my cousin, we liked him a lot and we're going to go pick him up tomorrow...hopefully he'll be Shamrock's buddy since Clifford still has the donkeys. I'm also going to work with Cowboy to get him better trained, so I'm excited about that!
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