Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Third Ride Today...

Today Rose and I went on our third ride together. She was a very good girl, picking right up where we left off last time, staying forward around the rail and even maintaining her energy pretty well when crossing the arena to do figure eights and changes of direction. So we started some baby leg yields, she would do 2-3 nice strides of leg yielding at the end of the long side, though losing a lot of momentum when doing it.

We did a lot of walking between the trot work and only rode for about 15 minutes. It was 80 degrees but Rose still didn't break a sweat. I wasn't sweating as much today as last ride, but I wasn't having to work as hard to keep her going. My left leg is very weak, she leg yields much better to the left than the right because of that.

Next ride we'll work on more of the same I think. I hope to add spiral circles in a few more rides, though I know they probably won't resemble spiral circles. I just want to have control over her body in case she does get spooky or looky in the future, though she's shown no signs of it so far.

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