Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Busy Couple of Days Coming Up!

Sophie has a busy couple of days coming up! Last night we longed for the first time in Florida, very lightly, about 10 minutes total and that was mostly walking. She did really well, especially considering she hasn't been worked in the dark before (though the arena is lit, just not very brightly) and normally she's very looky and a little anxious when taken out without her buddies. But she didn't put a foot wrong and was very smooth and relaxed. I did a bit of walking behind her while she walked on in front of me to get her used to it for when I add long lines.

Tomorrow the farrier is coming to do her feet and Friday evening the massage therapist is coming. I'm using a Bowen Therapist so it'll be interesting to see how that goes. I'm going to get my back done as well since it's *killing* me!


Anonymous said...

Will be interested to hear how the Bowen goes - and hope your back feels better!

EcoLicious Equestrian said...

i agree with Kate, I' love to know about your experience with the Bowen therapy, so keep us posted