Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Before and After of a Diffferent Kind...

My computer is still MIA. Sigh. But, I've been honing my photoshop skills, and here's one of the results...it's kind of like one of those challenges in the paper to find everything that's different between the two pictures. So, can you see a difference?
I almost forgot, I put an ad on Craig's List last night, looking for people with horses that wanted to be models for my budding portfolio and I got a bunch of replies already. Hopefully our schedules converge so that I can get some nice pictures with some help on the horse handling front.


20 meter circle of life said...

both pics look good to me, but I really like the horse

Christine said...

Great job of taking out the background distractions! Really puts the focus on the rider and horse :D

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

Nice PSing job. Lots of things you had to take out. I think you were a bit too generous on the tail though :-) but it does look real!

Dressage Nomad said...

Ha ha, yeah, a little generous with the tail. It was easier to just beef it up than to replace the background behind it. Plus it was so pretty, I really liked that horse too. I would buy a dapple grey in a heart beat if it would just stay that color!

Flying Lily said...

Nice job! Can you point the ears forward? :) Very much prettier and cleaner though after you did the work.