This morning I went to the barn and groomed Sophie. I decided to try riding and saddled her up, she was a good girl, and after more eye drops I hopped on. She was great. Of course, I had to get off to pick up the dressage whip after a lap around the ring. Ever since my first lesson here I'm just a little nervous riding Sophie, but she's been great, so I think I can trust her enough to get on with the whip. We mainly trotted serpentines and worked on leg yielding in each direction. She did really well, she was getting nice and soft by the end of the ride and was also round. I only rode about 15 minutes, then stopped, because I was starting to get sweaty and I'm not supposed to sweat yet.
My eyes are doing great today, drops are a little further in between, but they are still needing them every 4-6 minutes really. But it's easy get distracted from the dryness and they didn't bother me at all at the barn. I'd love to know where Sophie is getting her dust baths though. She is chestnut when I see her every day, because of her thick dust coating. And she still loves having he mane brushed. She couldn't care less about anything else, but her mane (and her udder cleaning, loves that too).
I'm hoping that tomorrow I get to stop doing eye drops (steroids and antibiotics at least), it's one week since my surgery and I have yet another's doctor's appointment tomorrow. We'll see though!
Oh, and one thing I'm really excited about, we've been walking the cats! We have little harnesses for them and leashes and let them wander the yard in them. They loved it so much that we're getting them a stake and really long lightweight leashes so that they don't have to depend on us paying attention. We'll sit outside with the the entire time and keep an eye on them. Especially Elphie, since she only lasted 30 minutes outside last night, Kitty spent an hour exploring the yard. Elphie is much more timid than Kitty. I just hope this doesn't lead to them trying to escape when we go in and out. I took Kitty outside for five minutes this morning and she yowled when I brought her back in, then she sat by the back door and yowled, while looking at me, for a few minutes.
And finally, my blog has won an award! My first, so I'm pretty excited. The Knutson Family gave me the Arte y Pico Award. I've copied info about the award from her blog and posted it here...
"This prize has arisen from the daily visits that I dedicate to many blogs which nourish me and enrich me with creativity. In them, I see dedication, creativity, care, comradeship, but mainly, ART, much art. I want to share this prize with all those bloggers that entertain me day to day and to share this prize with those who enrich me every day. Doubtlessly, there are many and it will be hard to pick just a few. The people I will name today deserve this prize, as do the very long serious list of bloggers I also enjoy to read. But I will name the first 10 and leave the rest of the work to all the bloggers that visit other's blogs and are nourished by them."
The rules of the award are as follows:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you think deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4. The award-winner and the one who has given the prize must show the link of the “Arte y Pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
I would like to give this award to the following blogs...
1. When Lilies Fly... Lilies are my favorite flower for one, beautiful and fragrant! Plus it's a fun blog to read and always has great pictures.
2. Dressage Life... Another great blog with loads of pictures in addition to great information.
3. The School of Life With Horses... One of my remaining links to the pleasure horse world, she also posts lovely pictures of her horses to go with her blog.
4. MiKael's Mania... How could you not when she posts pictures of stunning Arabian horses in almost every post?
5. Grey Horse Matters... This is one that I recently started reading, but once again, pictures of Arabian horses! She has done a spectacular job with some rescued Arabians and posts loads of pictures of them for those of us following their story vicariously.
First let me say I hope your eyes are feeling better soon. It's good that you and Sophie had a ride today even if it was short, it sounds as if you had a nice time.
Thank you for thinking of me for the award, I am honored you thought of me, after only having just found my blog. I'm glad you enjoy it.
Have a good doctor's visit.
Glad to hear the eyes are good and the pony is doing great! Too bad the photographer (you) are the one on the horse! :-)
OK, but I for sure want pics of the cat walking, too funny. My friend in CA does this and it cracks me up!
soooo Happy for you =!!
So since you listed me for the award does that mean I GET it or I'm just nominated for it?? *confused*
Glad to hear that your eyes are doing well and that your ride went good!! There's just nothing like a good ride... ;)
I want pics of the cats too!! That would be awesome.
I bought my chinchilla a harness once in hopes of walking him out doors. I read that some chinchillas like this so I tried it. I bought this fancy harness for $30, the smallest I could find. (The smaller they got the more expensive they were!) For starters he HATED the harness and did nothing but flop around and squeak pathetically. The other problem was that no matter how small I had the harness ajusted, he always managed to riggle out of it. Thank goodness I tried it out INSIDE first!!
Thanks guys! I'll try to get pictures of the cats in their harnesses tonight.
And means you *get* the award! At first the cats wouldn't move in their harnesses either. Now they will, but I don't think they really like jumping in them. I'm trying to figure out a way to imitate a pet jogging stroller using the cat carrier and one of our bikes before spending $200 on one, only to discover the cats are terrified to be in it!
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