Monday, July 14, 2008

Is It Possible to be Less Motivated?

So the computer guy didn't get to my computer yet...I'm supposed to get it back tomorrow. We'll see. Between the saddle and the computer I'm just unmotivated as heck. I haven't been to the barn since Thursday. I guess I'll go tomorrow. I did get my new lens today, so I could go play with it tomorrow. I just need motivation. I joined a photography group online, and have posted a couple of pictures for critique. I need to figure out a way to get people to let me photograph their horses so that I can build a portfolio and get some practice shooting horses with help (since wandering the pasture just doesn't get me much more than eating, swishing, standing, and rolling pictures). Until I have more relevant news I'll post some more pics from July 8th. Maddie and Lonnie.


20 meter circle of life said...

I think the pics are great. I am sure you will have your saddle soon. I would think it would be OK to call the fitter by the end of the week if you have not heard from her.

Mrs. Mom said...

Hey Jester! Thanks for stopping in at the Daily Journal. That turtle raft brought back memories for me too, so of course we had to have one... lol.... The boys LOVE it, and have me toss them up on it so that they can "jump" off the other side.

Hope your saddle gets back to you ASAP. that has got to be a total bummer! The pics are great though!

Looking forward to reading SOON that you have found your motivation again ;) Come to think of it, I bet it would be fairly easy to get folks to allow you to snap pics of their horses... maybe go to a local show? Or hit a large farm up? Orrrr.... Just pull up beside the shoulder of the road and snap away...

Cant wait to see more!

Christine said...

Well I reckon these pics look great! You've prolly got it listed in a post somewhere, but what sort of camera?

You can come photograph my boy! I'm just thinking it'd be a bit of a trip for you ;)

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

I still can't believe I've had my horse over 12 years and I don't have one laying down or rolling pic of him ! :-o how is that possible when I always have my camera?

Dressage Nomad said...

Thanks guys! I'm currently using a Nikon D50, but that'll change on Friday. That's when I get my D300. And I don't have any pictures of my own horses laying down or rolling, so don't feel bad! Lonnie's the only one so far.

Jen Travers said...

Great pictures (I'm a fan of the rolling pictures)! I'm not sure what it is about getting a horse that gets us all into photography. I guess because we're all proud moms and want to capture everything on film.

I bought my horse a year ago and I just got a Nikon D80--and the camera is great--now if I could just get the software to work!!!! But the D300 is VERY nice.