Wednesday and Thursday my stomach was doing flips, it was kind of like getting Sophie again, because I was about to start *riding* Sophie. I was excited and nervous and bouncing off the walls. But then the saddle fitter didn't call on Wednesday to let me know what time...or Thursday. I left a message on Thursday...but didn't get a call back. So I called Friday morning, first thing. She answered the phone and it turned out that her dad passed away sometime between Tuesday and Thursday (I didn't ask when). So I don't know when I'll be getting the saddle, she's the executor of her dad's estate and I have no idea what that entails, but I imagine she'll be busy for a while. Her dad fell ill before I started the saddle process and took a turn for the worse the day of our first appointment way back when. So it wasn't a surprise for her I don't think, but I'm sure she's still sad for the loss. So no saddle report. I have been working on pictures though, and thought I'd put some on the blog.
This is Varekai. He's a Hanoverian I think, he belongs to Kim and does Third Level. He has to stay by himself (which I don't think he especially enjoys) but is a really pretty shade of chestnut.
that sucks on a bunch of levels. I am sure the fitter is a professional and after they get thru the details you will be sittin on wonderful new leather
Frustrating about the saddle fitter - but being an executor is a long drawn-out process and after an initial burst of activity (hiring a lawyer) it just involves a lot of waiting & signatures, so she should be good to go in a few days after the funeral.
Thanks guys! I hope it won't be too long, I can't wait to start riding again.
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