I'd never heard of a Roast Beef Sundae until last year either. Basically, it's a chunk of juicy, succulent roast beef, with 2 scoops of mashed potatoes on it, covered with gravy, and topped with a cherry tomato. It's to die for, especially since for me, the wetter my food is the better.
Chiro comes today. My stomach is a little upset, but I have a few hours, so hopefully it settles down.
You are singing my song there Jester. The roast beef sundae sounds like HEAVEN!
Hope you feel up to snuff soon!
I'd never heard of a roast beef sundae either, but it does sound good.
Hope it all works out with the chiropractor and your stomach feels better.
Now I really want one, and it is 4:30 a.m. so not the hour for roast beef/mashed potato cravings.
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