Friday, June 20, 2008

Second lesson on Kupkake...with pictures!

I had my second lesson on Kupkake today. It was great. We only trotted but I learned a lot. The rest of the pictures can be seen here though I have a good sampling here in the blog.

This was the second time I'd ridden this horse. He's an Arab/Percheron gelding, 8 years old, and completely trained by my instructor. He's showing Third Level now, I think. Prior to riding this horse and one lesson on another Third Level horse last week I've mainly been doing Training/First/schooling some Second Level movements. I'm still waiting for the saddle to come in for my mare, so my instructor offered lessons on her horses while I wait. He was incredibly easy to ride considering his experience versus my experience. I was still having trouble getting my leg far enough forward for the shoulder in at the trot, but did much better with it my second lesson than I did my first.

Shoulder In

More Shoulder In

Half Pass

Half Pass

Extended Trot

The big impression left on me after this lesson was the importance of rideability. Jessie had rideability, just about anyone could ride him if they had half an idea of how to ride and that was demonstrated with both Amanda and Emily. I hope that someday Sophie is as rideable as Kupkake, and Jessie, though better trained than both ;-).

My big problem with half pass is keeping my shoulders even. I keep letting my outside shoulder creep too far forward. Overall I was really glad that Craig could come and take pictures. We had a great lesson, and after, I had a longeing lesson with Sophie. It was a very productive day, even though I ended up spending another 5 hours at the barn. But I love hanging out at the barn, I just wish I wasn't moving next year, I want to stay here forever and keep taking lessons.

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