Thursday, April 24, 2008


The day of moving Sophie is quickly approaching, and I am just getting more and more nervous. Lots of worrying about did I make the right choice for one. It's hard to buy a new horse, especially when the last horse you bought was 14 years ago...when you were only 13 years old, and you've pretty much been riding *that* horse ever since then. Then I worry about how my riding instructor (who will be returning from Florida next week) will like her. I never even told her I was looking for a horse, since I figured I needed to find one that I like because I'm the one that is going to have to ride it. I worry about how Sophie is going to settle in. Who will she be turned out with? How spooky is she going to be in her new surroundings?

And then there's the saddle issue. Should I buy a new saddle to take on trial for Sophie's first week home? It works out to go look tomorrow, on my way to my parents house, but how often will I even ride Sophie in the first week, as she settles in? I really don't think I'll ride her more than a couple of times, if that much between tomorrow and next Friday. So I think I'll hold off, even though I'm anxious to get going with this. But, I think I will buy a cob sized bridle, so stopping at the tack store won't be a complete waste.

Finally, on a less fretful note, I have been planning my return to riding. I've been reading Lessons for Lendon and plan on working on one or two of the lessons for each of our rides. She starts out working on some things that are important for Sophie and I, and I think it will help a lot. It's a great book, and if you've been thinking about buying it, I would. I got mine from Amazon, they were having a sale which made it cheaper than buying at Equine Affaire. The sale seems to be over now, but here's the link...

1 comment:

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

Horse buying is just like dating! It's hard to put yourself back out there... and like dating just take it nice and slow:-)
You'll be fine, she's a cutey!

Thanks for the well wishes for my boy!