Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You Know Winter is Coming When...

You accidentally cut your horse's coat when trimming its mane! Oops! I can see that Sophie is getting fuzzier and fuzzier, but didn't realize how fuzzy until I trimmed her mane last week. Don't worry, it's still long, I just trimmed up the ends, I mean, people need to have their hair trimmed, I figured it would be good for Sophie too. Back by her withers I accidentally cut a bit of her fur though. I also trimmed her tail again. I think I'm going to braied it and put it up for the winter, we'll see though. I definitely don't want mudsicles hanging from it all winter but I don't want to trim it up past the mud, because that would be pretty high with as bad as the mud lots on the farm get!


Grey Horse Matters said...

Fuzzy horses are the barometer that winter is on its way.

Flying Lily said...

I did braid and wrap up my Johnnie's tail two winters running. it's a pain because you have to take the braid out and re-do every so often to prevent the hairs from bending into breakage. But he had theeee most gorgeous blonde tail in spring! No mud, no breakage, just gorgeous shiny blond hairs.