Friday, December 5, 2008

Beginning to Hate Winter...

Some of you may have noticed that my other blog is gone. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday (my first, at 11 weeks, insert eye roll here). The doctor started out by going over tests and procedures we could opt for, or out of. Then she did an ultrasound. The baby's heart wasn't beating. And it measured at 6 weeks, 3 days, not the almost 9 weeks it should have been measuring. I had another ultrasound with the real technician, not just the doctor, she found the same thing. She also looked at the blood flow in my uterus, and there was no blood flowing in the sac the baby was in.

I'll be having a D&C on Thursday. Craig and I, were, are, devastated. We thought that at 11 weeks I was far enough along that the risk was practically gone. We were shocked at what the ultrasound discovered.

Last winter I "lost" Jessie, due to his stifle injury. This winter I lost our baby.

It might seem odd that I'm still riding, but really, Craig and Sophie are the only things keeping me from losing it completely. Everything else in my life is going so right that it makes it easier to deal with this one major thing going wrong. I don't know what I'll do if it happens again though. I try to tell myself that at least I didn't find out in two weeks, when we would have had the nuchal scan and been in the second trimester. I just wish we'd known two weeks ago, I think it would have been a little easier to deal with.

But, that's why the other blog is gone.


20 meter circle of life said...

Oh sweets
I am so sorry, my heart hurts for you. You and Craig are in my thoughts today. take care and ride as much or as little as you need to. Hugs

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you in this tough time! Keep doing the things you love, spend time with your husband, and grieve for your loss when and how you need to. How devestating a blow, and how mysterious is the precious gift of life. My aunt miscarried three times, adopted, and then magically carried a baby to term. I now have two healthy, well loved, wonderfully different cousins!!

Melanie said...

I am so terribly sorry for your and Craig's loss.
Just know that it wasn't anything that you did, and be sure to take time to mourn.

Please hang in there and keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Oh Stephanie, I am so very sorry. I hope that you and Craig are finding strength and comfort in each other as you cope with your loss. Big, huge hugs to you, and some tears. I'm really sorry.

allhorsestuff said...

Being so new here I am so amazed by you!
I was reading your latest post, just now and haddn't gotten to this wonder you're weepy,And sleepless dear heart!
You take care, loosing a baby is something my body has done without my recognittion, long ago...never did I know of it till later.
You have the knowledge and it may take s o m e time to fully go through the "seasons" of yours and Craigs loss.
My prayers,